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Here are all of my current registrations and certificates.

Everything I officially am is right here (except my TT and CGC certificates-available on request).   (All certificates and photos on my site are 'right clickable and printable'.)

Here is my most current title certificate. I finished my Rally Advanced Excellent 2 title on August 20, 2015 ... CH, MACH, CD, RAE2, MXS, MJG, MXP2, MXPB, MJP3, MJPB, MXF, MFP, T2BP2.

My most recent UKC certificate showing the United Grand Agility Champion title.

AKC Registration

OFA Hips ... My hips are good, I'm tattooed and microchipped!

OFA Cardiac ... No 'Bum ticker' here (no pun intended!). OK, yes it was intended. That's why I had Mom capitalize Bum.

OFA Elbows

Hmm, what to say about my elbows.  OFA finds them Grade 1 DJD, left and right.   I can't say that I agree with their findings!  I mean, I can't see my elbows, but I can tell you ... those babies are STURDY!  I've been athletic since day one and have NEVER had a lame day in my life!  I am an agility MACHINE!  You can't get by with wimpy elbows in that venue!  Mom's been reading a lot about elbows (and does not pretend to be any sort of expert), but she's finding lots of disagreement on the subject.  She's posted the OFA findings because that's what everyone expects, but she prefers to acknowledge the minimal changes in my elbows as 'normal wear and tear'.  That's something she read about on the OVC (Canadian OFA) website.  I'm going to go with that explanation, too!



And my CHIC certificate! I'm legit!
