My brothers and sisters!
UCH, AoM, CH Misti Blu's McLintock RA, TT, CGC
This is my brother, JD. He was the first of us to finish a Championship. He went to Florida with Grandpa Charlie for 6 weeks and came home a Champion at the tender age of 13 1/2 months. He had several Best of Breed wins over specials and has a Group 4 placement. He was Best of Winners at the Gulfstream Rottweiler Club specialty in Miami. He won two 4-point majors that day! He got his Rally Novice title at CRC and the ARC National in 2006. He was also the youngest dog to make the cut in the Best of Breed competition at the National.
JD finished his UKC championship the beginning of December, 2007.
BOSS, CH Januk's Halo v Misti Blu CD, RA, OAP, AJP, CS, TT, CGC
My sister, Halo. She was Yellow girl as a baby. She lives in Florida with Janet Fletcher. She was the second Champion in the litter. Grandpa Charlie finished her, too. She finished her RN title at the National with MY mom showing her!
UPDATE: Halo finished her CD in Savannah, GA Thanksgiving weekend! That qualified her for the ARC Versatility Award and Versatility Excellent Award!
CH Misti Blu's True Grit
Brother Rooster finished with 5 and 4-point majors with Grandpa Charlie on the end of his lead. He's the 5th one to finish his Championship.
We lost Rooster on April 25, 2014. An incredibly sad day.
CH Misti Blu's Scarlett O'Hara RA, CS, TT, CGC
Here's my lovely sister, Scarlett. She's a Floridian also and lives with Nancy Groff. Grandpa Charlie finished her Championship with 3 majors! She also has several nice specialty wins under her belt.
October 28, 2007, Aunt Nancy and cousin Scarlett motored down to Miami and came home with a Carting Started title. Way to go sis!
CH Misti Blu Annie Oakley RN, CGC

My other sister, Annie, aka Lavender girl. She's Amish. Ha ha, not really, but she lives in Amish country in Indiana with Bill and Chris Seal. She just wrapped up 4 days down south with Grandpa Charlie where she won back to back 5-point majors, then another 4-point major to finish her Championship! Four more days and she has 4 BOS to her credit! Her CH makes momma, Anja, 6 for 6 in the CH producing category. Doesn't get much better than that!
Annie completed her RN title Labor Day weekend, 2007.
We lost Annie, unexpectedly, on Saturday, October 11, 2014 just before her 10th birthday. So sad.