2009 AKC National Agility Championship
It's finally here! The 2009 AKC National Agility Championship. We're (me, Mom, Casey, Laura, Summer, and Erin) here in Concord, NC at the Cabarrus Arena. Friday was the ISC (International State Competition). Indiana pretty much crashed and burned. Summer and Buster had lovely qualifying runs in standard, but that was about it.
My escapades started in the jumpers ring first thing in the morning. Beautiful start before a left turn into the weaves along the back wall. Well, I had the option of weaving or jamming my head into a recessed area in the brick wall containing some type of electrical box. What to do? What to do? Yep, you guessed it .. the electrical box! How often does this opportunity arise? Once? This was the first time for me, couldn't pass it up. Otherwise, I had a very nice run, including making it through something called a 'threadle' (threading the needle?). I'd never done one before because they're illegal on regular agility courses. Erin was highly pleased.
In standard, Erin took credit for the cornucopia of errors I made. The first was right at the beginning. She was trying to keep me off the dog walk and into the tire, but she managed to practically tangle herself in the tire, sending me to the teeter. After that she got all discombobulated (her word) and I kind of free formed it. After leaping off the dog walk and missing the contact, I had a lovely flourish to the finish.
OH. MY. DOG. My mom is a stalker!
When we arrived to set up on Wednesday, Mom saw Greg Louganis. Yes, THE Greg Louganis ... Olympic gold medalist in diving. She immediately rushed outside to call Granny and tell her. After a couple of passes by Mr. Louganis, she finally came to her senses and we all headed back to the hotel.
Friday, she started all over again. Nonchalantly sweeping by, surreptitiously videoing and photographing, then more sweeping. She was trying to build up enough courage to ask him for a photo. A real photo with me in it. Well, she got her chance when he was exiting a door with his dog and we (me, Mom, and Erin) were entering. She just blurted it out ... "wouldyoumindsometimewhenyouhaveaminutelettingmetakeaphotoofyouandBumble,mydog" He took pity on her and most graciously replied, 'sure, how about now?' Next thing you know, he was kneeling down next to me and Mom was snapping away, happy as a clam. He was an incredibly good sport which made Mom love him all the more.
Click on the photo of me and Greg (yes, we're on a first name basis now) to see the full extent of her stalking. I'm so embarrassed. I do believe it is out of her system now, though.

ISC Videos ...
NAC Standard & Jumpers videos ...
We're stars! Check out the article about us in the Evansville Courier-Press! Click HERE.
Saturday we all started out with a BANG! Me and Casey and Summer all Qd in standard and were awarded lovely green 'clear run' rosettes! Bighead was rampant! Then I ran in jumpers. I ran clean and we all thought I Qd. The announcer commented over the loud speaker about what a nice working rottweiler I was. I cleared the last jump and the crowd went wild. Then Mom discovered that I was 3 seconds over time. I still qualified with a 91, but I did not get another rosette. When you watch my video, you'll see that I lost those 3 seconds at the weave entry. Sadness. I was a dawdler in my effort to be accurate, but thankfully, the crowd was unaware and I am still perfection in their minds.
Casey did the best she could in the jumpers class and was very fast in the beginning. That was BEFORE her mom, Laura, got lost in the middle and sent her over the wrong jump. Casey is working hard at comforting her. Her mom is pretty down on herself right now.
My partner, Erin, ran her dog, Summer, in jumpers and had another beautimous clean run and Q. SHE will get another rosette. Mom is pale mint green with jealousy. Not full-blown, because she is very happy for friends Erin and Summer, and glad that Erin is so committed to running with me the very best she can. I love her.
Bumble love! It's driving me mad, it's making me crazy, crazy!
Sunday, the last day, and we're all running in the 3rd round Hybrid class. Laura and Casey were first and did an admirable job, Qing to start the day. Next was Summer. Or so we thought ... FIRE ALARM!!!!! Evacuate! After a20 minute break waiting for the fire department to arrive and clear the building, Erin and Summer ran and were soooooooooo close! Summer ran past the last jump, then Erin started caterwauling and Summer back-jumped. It was very pretty to the very end. I was last and managed to Q, too! I was exactly on time. I got another rosette. Mom was pleased. Very pleased. I ended up 31 out of 123 after the 3rd round with 291 out of 300. I even made it onto the AKC website! Click HERE, then scroll all the way to the bottom photos. Erin and I are beautimous!
Check out our Hybrid runs below ...